Orison Named Finalist of The 2017 World Changing Ideas Awards – Fast Company

March 21, 2017

Orison Team

Orison is honored to be recognized by Fast Company magazine as one of the Energy category finalists in its first annual World Changing Ideas Awards.

Fast Company is devoted to writing about the people and companies making positive and world-changing differences in business. World Changing Ideas Awards honor groundbreaking social impact companies, products, policies, designs, and ideas. A panel of 25 judges reviewed over 1,000 submissions for 12 categories to find the ideas they thought were the best combination of creative problem solving with the potential to change our world for the better.

“I have always enjoyed developing solutions to macro-level problems,” said Orison CEO and Founder Eric Clifton. “Orison is just that—a plug-and play, energy storage solution that increases grid-reliability, and enables renewables and grid 2.0.”

Orison will be included in the magazine’s April 2017 issue, which will be on newsstands March 27, 2017. In early April, Fast Company will be recognizing World Changing Ideas honorees at their Inside Story launch event in New York City.